The Podcast where two young college students answer relationship questions.
What could go wrong?
Meet the Hosts
Ryan Leshock
Hey everyone!! I’m Ryan, or “Dr. Love,” as I’ve sometimes been referred to on the show. Like all things, without practice, dating is hard. My best advice is to not psych yourself out by calling it *dating.* Go into new relationships with the mindset of finding a new friend or developing a new connection and then check the vibe once you’ve actually gotten to know each other!
Current Relationship Status: confused
Catherine Arreazola
Hi! I’m Catherine and believe me, love is hard. I’ll help you out as best as I can while we laugh at my previous experiences. You know, so we can pretend everything is fine.
Relationship status: mentally married to Grant Gustin
Submit Your Question!
As college students, we understand that love is hard. When you’re single, it seems like everyone is in a relationship. How? Let’s find out how.
Click on the button below to be taken to an anonymous google form where you can submit your questions/scenarios for the chance to be featured in an upcoming episode!
**Please, do not submit extraneous/memey content into our submission form, it’s not like your answers are public, all it means is that our team has to go through the extra step to press delete on your response. Submit true questions only.